Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Day 5 -- Charlottetown, PEI

the only thing missing besides the Sunrise this early morning was the 'possible' Snow that was in the Captain's forecast for the overnite.. the Captain was right last nite at dinner when he said no sunrise this morning.. oh well.. the clouds and misty drizzle along with the 38* temps were all right on..  hopefully we can get out and about this quaint town if the rainy weather holds off as it's always been a favorite place for us on past visits here. Cow's Ice Cream.. the Wharf Lobster/Mussels/Steamer Clams restaurant.. Chocolate covered Potato Chips made locally... as you can see just 3 boats in the water in the local marina this time of year..  brrrrrrrrrr  :)  btw for my fellow fishermen out there Seawater Temps here 38*

off the ship at 1130am .. first stop .. Lobster on the Wharf restaurant at the Marina.. we go here every year.. decided to just get some lobster bisque and steamers and a local brewski--Moosehead Lager.. . had so much lobster this trip..  next week we'll be back and do the lobster again.. our favorite lunch spot here in Charlottetown, PEI..  it's now off to walk the the raindrops so far so good.. .still kewl as a witches' you know what..hahahaha.. up to a sizzlin' 41* .. lovin' it :)  UPDATE.. a walk thru town along Queen St.. a big decision-- Cows Ice Cream or Tim Hortons.. Cows won out- a double Gooey-Mooey cone  :)

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