Sunday, May 12, 2019

Day 2--Bar Harbor, Maine

well.. it's kewl.. and I mean that in a brrrrrrrrrrrrr kinda way this early morning..  up and on the Lido Deck-aft before the 512am Sunrise.. 43* with 18 kt winds.. I was the only peep up there until 2 stragglers showed up..  a pretty sunrise sky.. clouds moved in by the time the ship set its anchor in the bay at Bar Harbor--or as the locals say it 'Bah Hah-buh'.. they talk 'funny' up here too..  we'll be headed on to shore and into this quaint town via a tender around 930am

Whoopie Pies.. where are they.. the Pink Pastry Shop in town  is still CLOSED until next week for the winter season..  a sacrilege..  then again we're early this year by 2 weeks.. devastating..

it's LOBSTER time--lunch at Geddy's.( it's pronounced Jetties). as we always do on this cruise for the past 5 years.. great place ..lobster england clam chowder.. lobster.. corn..lobster roll..  fresh baked blueberry pie.. local crafty Summer Ale

turned into a pretty day overall..

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