Monday, May 13, 2019

Day 3-- Halifax, Nova Scotia

yowsa is all I can say.. arrival 9am in Halifax.. great place to walk the city and its famous Harbor Waterfront Walk... just a smidge on the kewler side at 5am.. 37* and 20 kt winds.. cloudy too.. so 'fuhgeddaboudit' for a sunrise.. off the ship by 10am.. hay no rain so we're happy..  already made a pitstop at the local Tim Hortons for a cuppa hot java and a goodie donut.. HEAT.. where's the HEAT.. hahahaha  :) noon the sun was shining.. turned into a beautiful sunny day-- in the mid 40's..couldn't be a better day to have some Cow's Ice Cream .. Gooey-Mooey of course :)

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