Saturday, May 4, 2019

'the clouds won out'

this early morning take--'the clouds won out'.. stopped by the Lake on the drive over to the island with the daylight just breaking well before sunrise .. caught 4 Largemouth Bass.. watched the sun try to peek thru the heavy low clouds so across the bridge I went for a short time.. no beach today.. a quick stop at Sunset beach Veteran's Park for a few pics.. then  it was back to the Lake to wet a line once again.. caught 3 more Bass ---and a Bluegill-- a what .. lil' dood.. that would make today's total 7 and a half-- a Mickey Mantle #7 kinda day----almost a Yogi Berra # 8 but just not quite there for me at least.. if you get my drift.. had fun.. the rod was bending.. cloudy and drizzle off and on thruout the day.. at least the temps were near 80*

1 of 7 Largemouth Bass this morning

Bluegill-- too small to count

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