Monday, May 27, 2024

Day 3- Halifax, Nova Scotia

again.. please remember on this Memorial Day my fellow Veterans who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.. a big SALUTE to them..  have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day🥰

a kewl 43* greeted  me early on the Sky Deck before the 515am cloudy sunrise.. arrival in Halifax, Nova Scotia on this Memorial Day Monday at 9am.. after breakfast in the Pinnacle it was off the ship by 10am for the walk thru downtown up the hill.. a shopping stop at Lululemon's.. then another street away a stop thru  the Halifax Public Gardens..always a nice place to visit.. from the Gardens it was 'downhill' toward the Riverwalk.. just a super nice place to visit once again having been here many many times in the past.. up to 64* and sunny by noon so had to make a stop at Cow's Ice Cream- Wowie Cowie and a Mooey Gooey double cone.. back on the ship at 2pm.. a late dinner in the Pinnacle Grill

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