Monday, March 10, 2025

clouds..rain and a Thunderstorm

no Sun today.. all day clouds with off/on rain showers .. a few minutes ago we got treated to a super downpour thunderstorm.. the Rain is needed just south of us in the Myrtle Beach area with all the out of control Forest Fires blazing thru some of the residential developments near Carolina Forest area causing evacuations.. luckily we weren't affected.. a rainy Video at this LINK on My YouTube Channel     




Saturday, March 8, 2025

low clouds..and a 'late Sunrise'

over to the beach just before Sunrise on this early Saturday morning--the day before Daylight Savings Time kicks in with Sunrise showing up tomorrow an hour later -near 730am  .. the low clouds were there.. the sun wasn't..  54* with a west wind at 15+ mph.. it felt kewler than it was.. few peeps- and I mean just a few- were out.. I stayed until the Sun moved above the clouds.. patience patience.. off the beach by 7am.. stopped for a few minutes over at the lake.. quiet.. and decided to check on the progress of the replacement bridge over the Calabash River.....  temps got up to 74* by noon with the sun shining.. a nice pleasant day.. forecast shows lots of clouds and  possible showers tomorrow with Monday showing rain all day.. we shall see.. UPDATE-- NEW PICS SCROLL DOWN--SEE BELOW

leaving the beach

after stopping at the lake I drove over to the Calabash River Bridge where I snapped a few pics of the construction of the new Bridge.. it's been almost 2 years since they started the project with this May being the projected finishing time.. mind-boggling 

looking from the Sunset Beach side toward Calabash

the bend in the roadway is 'an accident waiting to happen'

poor planning and design

 old dilapidated house on the ICW on the Dead-End around the curve

redone into a garage


                                                                 UPDATED-- NEW PICS

this from 4/29/2023  same building--old House