Wednesday, August 7, 2024

still raining..

UPDATE  .. 1pm .. a few Drone flight pics follow below

the standing water receded in the culverts and ditches and in our front yard in the overnite but with more rain to come today and tomorrow... TS Debby has basically stalled to moving super slow just offshore of us with the forecast showing a 5mph forward movement to the East.. and I'm sure that will change .. we don't need no more stinkin' rain.. arrrrggghhh

another look 'from up high' a lil' while ago.. a few pics from my Mavic Air 2 Drone in front of our house .. seems as though Debby doesn't want to leave the area..

 and to top it all off --
the trail camera outside our kitchen window got this fat lil' dood -- 'Rocky Racoon' -- once again raiding the Suet bird feeder earlier this morning at 208am..




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