Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 12...Grand Canary

started off the day with a sprinkle... headed out on our morning tour of the island.. started raining harder ..then off/on thruout the AM... rain jackets and umbrellas w*rked when they were needed..  toured downtown.. made our first and best gelato stop at the Italian bakery as we did last year.. best of the best...left there and then toured the Volcano ..Botanical Gardens and the Beach stop before coming back to the ship.. then of course the sun came out for the entire afternoon.. turned into a nice day as we walked out to downtown and the Square in Las Palmas... on the way back stopped by Mickey D's for some free wifi at the Marina Mall.. a three story mall adjacent to the cruise docks  ships internet down to a crawl...loading pics is too slow

Italian Bakery-Gelato we visited again

1 comment:

  1. have a gelato for me. spots started biting this am. still bad in ny and nj,6.5 million without power. breezy point had 111 homes burned in a fire in the middle of sandy. piles of boat in every marina. jim
